Italiano Olandese
celluloide celluloid
cellulosa celweefsel
Celsian Celsiaan
Celsius Celsius
Celso Celsus
Celta Kelten
Celti Kelten
Celtiberico Keltiberisch
Celtic Football Club Celtic FC
Celtic League Celtic League
celtica Keltisch
celtiche Keltisch
celtici Keltisch
celtico Keltisch
Celtis australis Europese netelboom
cembalo cimbaal
cementare carboneren
cementato gehard
cementazione cementeren
cementificare betonneren
Cementite Cementiet
cemento beton
cemento armato gewapend beton
Cemento armato precompresso Voorgespannen beton
cena avondeten
cenacolo kring
Cenad Cenad
Cenade Cenade
cenare souperen
cencio vod
cencioso in lompen
Cener vulcanica As
cenere as
cenere ardente gloeiende as
Cenere vulcanica As
Cenerentola Assepoester
Cenerentola a New York Time of Your Life
ceneri as
cenno melding
cenno col capo knikken
Cenon Cenon
cenotafio cenotaaf
Cenozoico Cenozoïcum
Censeau Censeau
censimento volkstelling
censire volk
censo volkstelling
censore di segnale piepsignaal censor
censura censureren
censurabile afkeurenswaardig
censurare afkeuren
Census-designated place Census-designated place
Censy Censy
Centaurea Centaurie
centauro rijder
Centelles Centelles
centellino slokje
Centena Herred
centenaria honderdjarige
centenario eeuwfeest
centennale honderdjarig
Centenne Oudste mens
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
centesimo cent
Centesimus Annus Centesimus Annus