La ricerca friendly ha prodotto 20 risultati
EN Inglese IT Italiano
friendly (o) [friendship] affabile (o) [friendship]
friendly amichévole
friendly amicale
friendly (o) [behavior] cordialmente (o) [behavior]
friendly (o) [behavior] amichevolmente (o) [behavior]
EN Inglese IT Italiano
friendly (a) [behavior] cameratesco (a) [behavior]
friendly (a) [behavior] socievole (a) [behavior]
friendly benevolo
friendly (o) [friendship] cordiale (o) [friendship]
friendly (a) [behavior] cordiale (a) [behavior]
friendly (a) [conversation] piacevole (a) [conversation]
friendly (a) [behavior] affabile (a) [behavior]
friendly (a) [behavior] gentile (a) [behavior]
friendly (o) [friendship] cortese (o) [friendship]
friendly (a) [behavior] cortese (a) [behavior]
friendly (o) [friendship] intimo (o) {m} [friendship]
friendly affettuoso
friendly (a) [conversation] amichevole (a) [conversation]
friendly (a) [behavior] amichevole (a) [behavior]
friendly (a) [conversation] gradevole (a) [conversation]

Inglese Italiano traduzioni

EN Sinonimi per friendly IT Traduzioni
agreeable [receptive] placevole
congenial [receptive] (formal simpatico
accessible [receptive] accessibile
attainable [receptive] ottenibile
approachable [receptive] avvicinabile
pleasant [agreeable] accogliente
affable [agreeable] gradevole
urbane [agreeable] cortese
amiable [agreeable] affabile
bland [agreeable] blando
complaisant [agreeable] (formal condiscendente
amicable [friendly and sincere] cordiale
sincere [friendly and sincere] assiduo
polite [friendly and sincere] costumata
social [friendly and sincere] (informal societario
cordial [friendly and sincere] succo {m}
genial [affable] cordiale
hearty [affable] robusto
gracious [affable] gentile
gregarious [sociable] gregario