La ricerca Scheiße ha prodotto 18 risultati
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} pupù (n) {f} [Darm]
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} cacca (n) {f} [Darm]
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} feci (n) {f} [Darm]
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} escremento (n) {m} [Darm]
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} deiezione (n) {f} [Darm]
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} sterco (n) {m} [Darm]
Scheiße (n) [Darm] {f} merda (n) {f} [Darm]
Scheiße (n v adj int) [excrement] {f} escrementi (n v adj int) [excrement]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel] {f} schifezza (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel]
Scheiße (n v adj int) [excrement] {f} schifezza (n v adj int) [excrement]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel] {f} stronzo (n adj v int) {m} [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [expression of worry, failure] {f} cazzo (n adj v int) {m} [expression of worry, failure]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel] {f} cacca (n adj v int) {f} [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel]
Scheiße (n v adj int) [excrement] {f} cacca (n v adj int) {f} [excrement]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel] {f} merda (n adj v int) {f} [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [expression of worry, failure] {f} merda (n adj v int) {f} [expression of worry, failure]
Scheiße (n v adj int) [excrement] {f} merda (n v adj int) {f} [excrement]
Scheiße (n adj v int) [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel] {f} escremento (n adj v int) {m} [solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel]

Tedesco Italiano traduzioni

DE Sinonimi per scheiße IT Traduzioni
Stuhl [Fäkalien] m sede {f}
Haufen [Fäkalien] m valanga {f}
Kot [Fäkalien] m sterco {m}
Schmutz [Fäkalien] m spazzatura {f}
Losung [Fäkalien] (f Password
Mist [Fäkalien] m stupidaggine {f}
Dreck [Fäkalien] m ciarpame {m}
Auswurf [Fäkalien] m sterco {m}
Stuhlgang [Fäkalien] m defecazione {f}
Kacke [Fäkalien] f sterco {m}
Exkrement [Fäkalien] n escremento {m}
Kohl [Quatsch] m cavolo {m}
Quark [Quatsch] m quark {m}
Koks [Quatsch] m grana {f}
Blech [Quatsch] n coglionata
Unsinn [Quatsch] m stupidaggine {f}
Dummheit [Quatsch] f stupidaggine {f}
Torheit [Quatsch] (f stupidità {f}
Flachs [Quatsch] m lino {m}
Zeug [Quatsch] n roba {f}