La ricerca guess ha prodotto 12 risultati
EN Inglese IT Italiano
guess (v) [estimation] (informal) stimare (v) [estimation]
guess (n) [approximation] (informal) valutazione (n) {f} [approximation]
guess (v) [probability] (informal) presupporre (v) [probability]
guess (v) [probability] (informal) supporre (v) [probability]
guess (v) [probability] (informal) ritenere (v) [probability]
EN Inglese IT Italiano
guess (v) [probability] (informal) dare per scontato (v) [probability]
guess (n) [approximation] (informal) approssimazione (n) {f} [approximation]
guess (n) [idea] (informal) congettura (n) {f} [idea]
guess (n v) [prediction about the outcome of something] (informal) congettura (n v) {f} [prediction about the outcome of something]
guess (v) [estimation] (informal) calcolare (v) [estimation]
guess (v) [general] (informal) indovinare (v) [general]
guess (informal) apporsi

Inglese Italiano traduzioni

EN Sinonimi per guess IT Traduzioni
confirm [acknowledgement] confirmar
respond [acknowledgement] responder
reply [acknowledgement] respuesta {f}
remark [acknowledgement] apuntar
answer [acknowledgement] contestar
suppose [believe] suponer
surmise [believe] (formal figurarse
imagine [believe] fantasear
conjecture [believe] teoría {f}
consider [believe] considerar
suspect [believe] sospechar
estimate [assumption] juzgar
estimation [assumption] valoración {f}
theory [assumption] teoría {f}
thesis [assumption] tesis {f}
theorem [assumption] especulación {f}
postulate [assumption] (formal dar por sentado
opinion [assumption] opinion
theorize [activity] teorizar
predicate [activity] predicado {m}